Regional Goals and Objectives (2024-25)
1. Recruit 20% more referees2. Have each required board position to have an assistant or alternate.
3. Maintain at least 600 player participants in the program, 100 volunteers, and sustain the same rate of growth as the City Of Millbrae.
4. Establish a sponsorship program for player scholarship, equipment replacement and acquisition, and look to develop more playing fields.
Standard Regional Guidelines
Standard Regional Guidelines (download link)
2024-25 Budget (view/download link)
2023-24 Budget (view/download link)
Prior years
2020-21 Budget (view/download link)
2019-20 Budget (view/download link)
2018-19 Budget (view/download link)
2017-18 Budget (view/download link)
2016-17 Budget (view/download link)
2015-16 Budget (view/download link)
2014-15 Budget (view/download link)
2013-14 Budget (view/download link)
Regional board meetings are currently the third Wednesdays of each month.
Please contact [email protected] for current location and/or Zoom link if remote.
The AYSO Incident Report Form is used whenever there is a personal injury, damaged property, or threats of or actual physical violence surrounding an AYSO game, practice, event or property. The form should be prepared by the coach, AYSO Official, or AYSO Volunteer which may be a member of the regional staff such as the regional safety director, or by tournament or event staff members. Note: This form should NOT be completed by a parent unless the parent is the coach.